Gamepad Navigator - Blender Addon
Ever wanted to use a gaming controller in Blender? Now you can! Gamepad Navigator allows you to instantly use any gaming controller* to navigate around your Blender scene, select objects, control and setup cool camera shots. Simply connect your controller, wired or wireless, no drivers or external software required**.
Includes gamepad screen-cast feature, useful to show what buttons are being pressed in real-time.
Gamepad Navigator is designed to be a lightweight and CPU-efficient addon. CPU utilization depends on controller usage and is significantly reduced when no buttons are pressed.
* only 'x-input' type controllers
** Windows support only
Blender 3.4 only
Video DemoViewport Navigation
pan, zoom and rotate... all the usual navigation modes using a controller!
Analog Speed Control
Take advantage of the analog joysticks and triggers to control the speed panning, rotating and zooming around your scene. Speed is proportional the position of the joysticks and triggers
Better Camera Shots & DOF Control
more flexible camera views and shots, focus on objects, control camera depth of field and f-stop on the fly
Screencast Controller Inputs
see in real time your controller inputs and triggers
Viewport Shading Control
Quickly switch between solid view and material preview, toggle overlays and set camera view to selection
"Turntable"/360 views of an object
Simply "Point and shoot" to select an object and perform a "turntable/360 view to see your object from different angles
Record Camera Keyframes
Auto key camera location and rotation, and start/stop playback
Quick Activation & Minimal UI
quickly enable/disable your controller with a single-click, and adjust sensitivity values, camera settings and screencast input via a minimal panel
Blender addon - use your controller to navigate around your viewport